Thursday, November 28, 2019

A Trip With Great Friends †English Composition Informal Essay

A Trip With Great Friends – English Composition Informal Essay Free Online Research Papers A Trip With Great Friends English Composition Informal Essay Last December I went to Taichung with three of my friends, William, Joe, and Timothy. It was the first time I took a short, one-day trip only with my friends. When I was a child my family always took a trip on weekends. We went to almost every famous tourist attraction in Taiwan; therefore, I got annoyed and tired of such trips while other children always envied my travel experiences. But, if I went to those places with my friends, not my family, maybe it would be more interesting. So I decided that one day in the future I would went on a trip with my friends. And last December on a weekend I made it. My friends and I had been looking forward to the trip so we didn’t want to waste any time at all. On the day we departed we woke up as the first light could be seen so that we could get to our destination earlier. We fell asleep as soon as we got on the train, and we arrived at Taichung Train Station at about eight o’clock. We walked out of the station and stopped at a map of Taichung city hanged on a pillar to point out the spots we would go to on these two days. Later on, we decided to go to Tunghai University first. We took a bus and watched the morning view of a city. In the city were lots of high buildings, which windows reflected the white clouds and the blue sky. It was really a pretty view which a city could have. After half an hour we got to Tunghai University. It had a large campus and many plants on it. But what impressed me most were the buildings. All the buildings there such as post office, library, activity center, restaurants, etc, looked like the ones i n old days. Between these quaint buildings were many narrow paths; beside these paths lay green trees swaying in the breeze. I took a deep breath, relaxing myself, and enjoyed the serene, peaceful moment. After visiting Tunghai University, it was the time for lunch. We went to a famous street, Ching Ming 1st Street, where many young people in Taichung like to go windows shopping such as Si Men Ting in Taipei. But the tables and chairs beside the street made a difference from other streets. We chose a table, seating ourselves, and ordered for tea and cakes instead of our lunch. Sunlight shinning on us through leaves was not flashing but mild. We stayed there till the night darkened the sky. On the street was a dairy cake shop called a special name, â€Å"The Dairy Cake Of A Convent At Sunrise.† It was a weird shop which was decorated as if a convent. The clerks there also wore deliberately in black like nuns. They said they were the nuns who studied dairy cakes in a convent and they sold dairy cakes only. I bought a dairy cake and sent it to my parents as a Christmas gift, though the shop was really strange as well as the clerks there. After that we took a taxi to Train Station and went on our return journey. The trip is short but it is a very good one than any other trips I have ever took. Traveling with my friends, I have different feelings about everything, though I have experienced it before. But what’s different is that I can share these feelings with my friends, so do they. With different people, you have different feelings. And this is also why the trip with friends can be so interesting and fascinating to me. Research Papers on A Trip With Great Friends - English Composition Informal EssayThe Masque of the Red Death Room meaningsThe Spring and AutumnUnreasonable Searches and SeizuresBook Review on The Autobiography of Malcolm XComparison: Letter from Birmingham and CritoMind TravelTwilight of the UAWLifes What IfsPersonal Experience with Teen PregnancyTrailblazing by Eric Anderson

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Mayoral Debate essays

Mayoral Debate essays During October 2003, a bug was found in the mayor's office prior to the Philadelphia Mayoral election. Once the bug was found the FBI stated that it was placed in connection with certain investigations but they declined to state the nature of the investigation. That the bug was found so close to the election date has raised the Mayors ire. He has suggested that the bug was apparently planted by the FBI in support of Sam Katz a Republican candidate. Sam Katz refuted these reports and said that it was about time that the corrupt practices of John Street, a first term Democrat candidate was exposed. Suspiciously, a poll that was released after the bugging incident indicated that it probably affected the results making both side of the stories questionable. As a result of this incident, Katz and his opponent John Street found themselves in a debate that was The Street Katz debate' held not only the state but the entire country enthrall. Most of the nation watched the debate as the themes of corruption', television' and politics' always hold a certain entertainment value and as such, a diverse audience found itself following the debate, even if they had previously found nothing of interest where politics was concerned. The language, the style, the argument and the actual rhetoric itself had great import as both the leaders realized that the debate could make or break their careers. Each of the debaters was interested in taking the offensive to ensure a strong argument so that none of the audience saw them as the criminal' party. Politics today is assuredly not a simple job; it's a game that has to be played with all the drama and pomp of a Hollywood movie. Taking this background into account we can accept the words of Katz who says, "All that has gone on in the last couple of weeks puts an exclamation point on basically 100 years of Philadelphia being a city corrupt...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Terms and angles of vision Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Terms and angles of vision - Essay Example Another instance is where corporations are identified as prioritizing their profits, shareholders, and CEO bonuses and salaries at the expense of the country and its workers (Johnson 74). In this case, the power of corporate rule has allowed corporations to move their plants to countries that have cheaper labor and less stringent laws and regulations. Indeed, the writer’s view is that corporations are self-perpetuating, especially as big money from these corporations enables them to buy lobbyists, political support, and favorable laws, tax codes, and policies (Johnson 74). A third instance in which the writer’s view is directed towards the concept of â€Å"corporate rule† is on the point of skyrocketing health costs, which are attributed to American pharmaceutical corporations, which have managed to influence laws that prohibit US citizens from purchasing foreign-made, lower-priced medicines despite the presence of free trade policies. This point of view shows how corporations have taken advantage of globalization and free trade to become the new â€Å"central economy†, in which they have unequal influence on the economy of the US and, indeed, developing countries across the world (Johnson 92).Thus, the writer argues from an angle of vision that corporate rule is bad for the American and global economy and should be